How good is the Beverz rating?
No new predictions this week, which might be something to do with the fact everyone is playing a team that they played last league meet. Therefore, it’s a good opportunity to review the predictions so far. Below are the predicted scores and actual scores for the most and least accurate Beverz predictions. As a reminder, the rating generates a win percentage which is what is in brackets.
Men’s Super League
Most Accurate
Leamington Spartans v London Storm
Predicted score 15-9 (62.6%) - Actual score 16-8 (66.6%) 4% out
Lutterworth Meteors v Bedford Rangers
Predicted score 13-11 (54.4%) - Actual Score 14-10 (58.4%) 4% out
Least Accurate
Manchester Bees v London Storm 2
Predicted score 19-9 (67.4%) - Actual Score 26-2 (92.8%) 25.4% out
Average error across the league 13.4%
Men’s League 1
Most Accurate
Bedford Rangers 2 v Manchester Worker Bees
Predicted Score 12-10 (55.9%) - Actual Score 13-9 (59.0%) 3.9% out
Least Accurate
Bedford Rangers 2 v Virtue Empire
Predicted score 14-10 (56.4%) - Actual Score 18-6 (75.0%) 18.6% out
Average error across the league 8.3%
Men’s League 2
Most Accurate
Rhondda Dragons v Stafford Raptors
Predicted score 13-13 (51.7%) - Actual Score 15-11 (57.7%) 6% out
Least Accurate
Leamington Spartans 2 v Manchester Soldier Bees
Predicted score 15-9 (62.3%) - Actual Score 24-0 (100.0%) 37.7% out
Average error across the league 18.1%
Men’s League 3
Most Accurate
Norwich Nighthawks 2 v Sheffield Bovines 4.8% out
Predicted score 14-12 (52.9%) - Actual Score 15-11 (57.7%)
Least Accurate
Canterbury Crocodiles v Norwich Nighthawks 3 30.1% out
Predicted score 13-9 (60%) - Actual Score 20-2 (90.1%)
Average error across the league 15.5%
NI Men’s
Most Accurate
Ballyhackamore Barbarians v Kapow
Predicted score 16-12 (55.4%) - Actual Score 15-13 (53.6%) 1.8% out
Least Accurate
Ballyhackamore Barbarians 2 v Crossfire Cannons
Predicted score 9-17 (35.5%) - Actual Score 20-6 (76.9%) 31.4% out
Average error across the league 20.3%
Women’s Super League
Most Accurate
Bedford Mighty Eagles v Manchester Queen Bees
Predicted score 14-10 (58.7%) - Actual Score 14-10 (58.3%) 0.4% out
Least Accurate
Nottingham Sheriffs v Manchester Queen Bees
Predicted score 10-14 (44.3%) - Actual Score 20-4 (83.3%) 39% out
Average error across the league 11.9%
Women’s League 1
Most Accurate
Stafford Raptors 2 v Worchester Virtue Empire
Predicted score 13.9 (59.1%) - Actual Score 13-9 (59.1%) 0% out
Least Accurate
Derby Phantoms 2 v Manchester Honey Bees
Predicted score 9-15 (37.6%) - Actual Score 20-4 (83.3%) 45.7%
Average error across the league 18.8%
Finally I hope Stafford Raptors are going to be happy now as they have the highest rating in League 1.
So how good is the Beverz rating? Well, so far it's been fairly accurate in predicting the victors of each match. The score-line is a little less consistent, however, we all know just how quickly games can turn around. As the season progresses hopefully we will see even better predictions!